Hello all. By an odd stroke of luck, I've found myself earning a small-but-steady stream of income from Binance referral commissions. It's a bit difficult to figure out exactly how much I'm earning on a day-to-day basis though, given that the income is split up into a multitude of individual fraction-of-a-cent commissions, spread among the 150+ currencies that Binance supports. It's also difficult to track for income tax and capital gains purposes. To solve these problems, I've built an open source "Referral Income Analyzer" tool. It will sum all of your Binance commissions together into daily or monthly (or any interval you specify) totals for each cryptocurrency. Here's an example of what the output looks like: example . I set the format so that it could be easily imported to CoinTracking.info (full disclosure: that's a referral link) for income tax and capital gains reporting. The tool also has a beta feature that will try to determine...
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