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TRX On Top new new Tron Smart Contract

? ♦ ️TRX ON TOP INFINITY 2.0 ♦ ️?




? The First and Only Contract where you can secure your Investment. Any insured amount will remain reserved in the Balance until you decide to Withdraw it no matter when ?

? Generates from 2% to 5% Daily As a Basic Plan (Infinity Deposit) ? ? In addition to the Basic Plan, you can generate by individual Deposits (Lucky Deposit) from 15% to 18% per day, for 7 days (It will be Randomly) ?

? Withdraw At Any Time upon reaching the minimum amount. ? Reinvestments Every 24 Hours ? 5% total referral commission, in 2 levels. ? Anti-bullet protection.


? Lucky Plan Bonus 0.2% For each Lucky Plan you activate, Maximum 1.6%. ? Reinvest Bonus 0.1% to 1.4% just for Reinvesting the Referral commission (You can only Re-invest Every 24H).

====== ♨️ DEPOSITS ♨️ ======== Basic Plan (Infinity Deposit): ? Minimum Deposit: 100 TRX. ? Minimum Withdrawal: Upon achieving 100% per Deposit. Lucky Deposit Plan: ? Minimum Deposits: 200, 500 and 1000 TRX. ? Minimum Withdrawal: At the end of the 7 days. ▫️ ғᴇᴇ per trade ~ 7 TRX ============================= ◆ ━━━ ◆◆ ━━━ ◆ ♤ ◆ ━━━ ◆◆ ━━━ ◆ ?How to access the platform? ? Select the link below. "Copy", then "Paste" into the Dapp browser of your TronWallet or TronLink and voila, you can make your Investment. ◆ ━━━ ◆◆ ━━━ ◆ ♤ ◆ ━━━ ◆◆ ━━━ ◆ ??‍♂️ Super Telegram Group ♦ ️ @trxontop <- Spanish @TRXonTopEng <- English @trx_on_top_ru <- Russian



submitted by /u/aguillonjl
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via Community for TRONICS



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