Guest: Javert ,Core dev and Jonathan, Product lead of
Host: Molly
Molly: Before we start into the project, can you both give a background on yourselves, and other members of your team and how did you enter into crypto?
Javert: Sure, we the core team members have decided to take the Vow of Silence regarding our identities.
After all, we all have a life and prefer to stay anonymous.
But we are a solid team of 20+ people, most are full time and crypto veterans, scattered around the globe.
Molly: Could you please give a quick introduction to Dego Finance?
Javert: We aspire to build as a DeFi Fusion Reactor whose transparency and fairness is governed by Law of Codes, for the unprivileged and unbanked underdogs .
And we just launched our new NFT mining pool at 21:00, do check it out:

Molly: Can you tell us a bit about DEGO token?
Jonathan: DEGO is the utility token that runs through all modules in DEGO ecosystem. You can use it to earn yield, to forge NFTs for mining and etc.
Questions from community:
Molly: Q1.People are saying that#NFT will bring the future mass adoption. What are your views about it? Where do you see the future evolution of NFT features and capabilities in the next few years? What’s #Dego’s vision?
I’d add few points to the DEGO token, total supply is 21M like BTC to honor Satoshi, and we have the best inflation model I believe out of DeFi and NFT space.
NFT in my eyes is a Decentralized Asset composed of art and the ownership. Previous NFTs is often found applied in arts, neglecting intrinsic value of the NFT itself, I think that NFT should be like a membership card, like gaming gears, which are easier for ordinary people to accept. If people developed a habit of using NFT, that NFT could trigger mass adoption.
Javert: This is how we pay tributes to Satoshi:

Molly: Q2.Dego NFT kryptonite sold for is NFT a revolution against DeFi?
I really envy those of you who received the Kryptonite picks, which our core members don’t. It’s insane, but I think it makes more sense than the Art NFTs.
We will start the NFT auction soon and I don’t know how much Satoshi NFT will be sold for.
But you should know that the NFT can be worth much more than its face value because it is so rare and has utility.
The utility we give our NFTs is mining.So nice combination of Gaming gear and DeFi

Javert:Again, we do not encourage speculation on DEGO NFTs as these NFTs are meant for one thing only, MINING.
Molly: Q3.Due to the rise in Ethereum’s Transaction Fees, has the team thought about switching to another blockchain?(Which cross-chain solutions #Dego Finance will use? Why DEGO choose to build on Ethereum?)
Jonathan:From the very beginning, we had the intention to develop our own public chain, and it was always the Blockchain before the Dapps, but we wanted to have the Dapps before the public chain, otherwise we are just amusing ourselves.
Yeah ETH is so out of date now.Can you believe that a few popular dapp could jam it?Engineers like us are just reluctant to move to other chains, as people tend to stay in the comfort zone.

We are only launched for 2 weeks and become dapp consumed 3rd most amount of GAS? This is very unhealthy, and we do believe there will be soon much much better infrastructures for us to move to.
Molly: Q4.It’s heard that the next phase of adoption of blockchain technology will come from Gaming, DeFi and NFT. What is your views on this and what will be your prime focus for mass adoption #DegoFinance.
Jonathan: GAME+DEFI, I don’t think most people have figured out how to incorporate gaming elements into DeFi. What are games? In simple terms, if one NFT lost its value for speculation, playability should remain. Minesweeper is embedded in DEGO and we have not announced the REWARD hidden in it, while people spends time on it, this is playability. So we are blending more NFT playability in DeFi, like Synthetic NFTs, Team battles, no just simple mining. If you want yield, you must do more thinking. The intensified Game Theory in an DEGO is creating sth bigger than mining.
Javert:Yes I agree with Jon.

Javert:I believe our hard labour has paid off.DEGO NFTs has topped the charts for the last few days.
Molly: Q5.What is the current planning for dego project and What are your competitors or substitutes, in which way Dego is better?
Jonathan:I don’t think I need to answer that, what do you think?
haha Jon, that’s too bold of a statement.even from you.But I encourage all of you to have a go at it. Always good to try new things.
Free-asking Session
Q1.dego interface is kinda Unique, like old Computer screen,
How can Dego team comes up with this briliant idea?@Agz18
We have a taste for vintage things, aged tech has certain ring to it. I’m glad you enjoyed too.
Q2.Hey Can you please brief about FEATURES & BENEFITS to our community?@Anunar
DEGO Ambassador Program will be launched soon to help build the global communities, stay tuned!
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