Hello, I recently published a peer-reviewed research article in the UK's Royal Society of Chemistry flagship journal, Chemical Science, Titled: "Computational chemistry experiments performed directly on a blockchain virtual computer".
I thought that this might be of interest to some of you here. The article details the first instance of a computational physics simulation being performed entirely within a blockchain virtual machine. In this case the experiment was a proof-of-principle study using a simple harmonic potential to model the trajectory of a vibrating carbon monoxide molecule. I have also discussed the potential benefits of this type of calculation in terms of censorship resistance, reproducibility, and provenance in theoretical scientific work.
Dash labs was looking to interface with the academic community some time ago if I remember correctly, and I believe that there is also a connection between Dash core group and the Arizona state blockchain research laboratory. Perhaps dash platform might be a useful interface for solving some of these issues?
Article: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340820303_Computational_chemistry_experiments_performed_directly_on_a_blockchain_virtual_computer
And: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2020/sc/d0sc01523g
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